Like all too many individuals these days I was recently cut from my job in a reduction in force. Loosing my job has been a blessing and yet a burden at the same time. Over the past few years my work has earned other individuals Millions of dollars. Now I feel it’s time to see what I can do for myself, my friends, and family so I’m building my own business.
I really didn’t write this article to talk about myself though… I want to tell you about something exciting I recently stumbled onto. Something that is without doubt going to change the world for the better. Starting a business is NOT easy. Something I’ve heard countless times and can attest to personally is it takes money to make money. I’m fortunate as I have money saved up and have excellent friends to help me out.
Most people are not so fortunate. Especially individuals in impoverished areas of the world. That’s where Kiva comes in. Kiva enables people like us to provide loans for impoverished individuals looking to start businesses. When you visit their web page you’ll select an individual / entrepreneur in an impoverished region of the world and personally support them with a micro-loan. How amazing is that! It’s an easy highly effective way you can take action to make the world a better place!
I want to take this a step further and help Kiva while helping you become a Fitlish human being! A micro-loan will be created on your behalf each month for all the money raised through our affiliates and Fitlish training programs.
It’s all about working together to make the world a better place. Stay tuned…