Our bodies are primarily water. This means we have to drink a lot of fluid to keep healthy. And what better way to enjoy your fluid aka beverage than flavor it! This is a crux many individuals fall into and *ahem* I have been a victim of myself. It’s so easy to reach for a Sports Drink, Soda, Sweet Tea, or some other of carbohydrate charged drink to quench that thirst.
Liquid Calories should Be Called Liquid Fatner
Sugary drinks also absorb so quickly in the blood stream that they immediately trigger the body’s fat storing mechanisms.
Plus it’s inevitable you will exceed your daily caloric allowance with these delectable beverages.
Some individuals make exception when it comes to fruit juice, sports drinks, and vitamin waters.
They rationalize their necessity by stating all the vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals contained therein but fail to realize that they are also loaded with sugar.
If you find yourself in this category reach for a fresh apple, orange, or grapefruit instead. It’s almost impossible to over eat whole foods. Plus you get honest to goodness no kidding vitamins and minerals instead of reconstituted junk.
Here’s a couple sugar-less tips to hydrate yourself and restore your waistline…
Bottled Water a Free Wait Loss Miracle
It’s easy to reach for that sweet beverage when thirst calls. However, these beverages can actually exacerbate the problem by blocking the body’s ability absorb water and further dehydrating us.
When you’re dehydrated your body suffers as a whole. Top this off with further dehydration and further drinking of sweet beverages and you get the point…
Your body becomes caught in a vicious fat gain cycle so strong not even the Star Ship Enterprise and Captain Kirk could break free from it’s pull.
But the magic of water can. Keep a full water bottle handy at all times.
Whenever your feel the urge to have a soda or some other sweet beverage, drink your water bottle first.
This will ensure you’ve quenched your body’s need for water breaking the vicious cycle.
Teas Your Taste-Buds
Water’s too bland for you? Well then, that’s no excuse. Try brewing some tasty caffeine free herbal tea without any added sugar. For those of you that require a little extra sweet zip, use Stevia.
Stevia is my favorite sugar free sweetener. It’s an all natural extract from the Sweetleaf flower.
Moral of the Story
Don’t drink your calories instead make sure you are drinking ample water throughout the day. This alone can easily help you reset your health and loose tremendous weight.
If you don’t have a water bottle buy one NOW. I personally recommend the Nalgene bottles.
Owning your own bottle will save you big $$ on disposable water bottles not to mention save our planet!
Click here to get one now at Amazon.com