I picked up this amazing exercise from a girl I used to go out with. She’s an avid runner and as such gets sore feet form the hundreds of miles she runs! The golf ball foot exercise is about as simple as it gets and takes only a few moments to complete. Continue reading
Lookout Snapple Here Comes Super Diet Tea
StandardI was excited to return home this weekend from my business travels to formulate a tantalizing tea recipe with my good friend Fang. Honestly, China slim tea ain’t got nothing on our exciting Super Diet Tea formula which is straight from the hands of my cute Chinese Panda Shirt Wearing friend herself! Continue reading
Getting Down and Dirty with Business Startup Ideas
StandardI know many of you have taken an interest in what I’m doing with Fitlish. I want to maintain an “open door policy” so you can learn not only how to get fit and stay healthy but also how to build a business like Fitlish. Because I know you’re dying to execute your countless Entrepreneur Ideas! Continue reading