Today’s world is a stressful place. Carbohydrate rich foods and sweets give us a momentary boost of energy to punch through the stress. These sweets also provide a pleasurable diversion to our stressful lives but once we take the first bite we often over eat them. That’s because we are not conscious eaters and here’s why that’s harmful to your health… Continue reading
Healthy Living Tip, Minimalist Walking
StandardWalking is a unique part of the human experience that we seem to have forgotten about in today’s hectic world. Reintroducing a few extra steps to your daily routine will make a world of difference for your health. You’ll doubly benefit from Minimalist Walking in Barefoot Sneakers here’s how… Continue reading
Honey Roasted Pecans
Last fall the snowbirds (seasonal retiree residents) arrived in Green Valley and with them my parents. Each fall as well as the snowbirds, comes the pecan harvest. And my parents quickly to turned from snowbirds into squirrels as they harvested gallon after gallon after gallon of pecans. We had so many pecans we didn’t know what to do with them. So what did we do? My mom and I made a recipe! Continue reading