The modern world is full of luxuries which do little in the way of relieving stress. These modern luxuries has created a generation of stimulation junkies who sit on their butts. The TV(s) and computers they sit in front of do more to hamper our health and add to the stress of our lives than relief it. Continue reading
Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips to Survive the Battlefield
StandardFoods today come in convenient prepackaged containers divided up into perfectly palatable instantly microwaveable morsels. Each bite designed to provide maximal dose of pleasure with the minimum of thought or effort on the eaters part. Continue reading
Time Tested Liquid Fat Remover, Makes Hydroxycut Look Like a Joke
StandardOur bodies are primarily water. This means we have to drink a lot of fluid to keep healthy. And what better way to enjoy your fluid aka beverage than flavor it! This is a crux many individuals fall into and *ahem* I have been a victim of myself. It’s so easy to reach for a Sports Drink, Soda, Sweet Tea, or some other of carbohydrate charged drink to quench that thirst. Continue reading