Is Your Safe Plastic Bottle Girlie?


The first time I saw a Nalgene water bottle I was thrown off.  A cute girl whom I felt was a little too cute for her own good had a pink one.  As a result I thought these safe plastic bottles were a cute girlie fad just like My Little Pony and Magic Potty Baby.

Boy was I wrong.  I have now tried every water bottle under the sun in an attempt to save the rain forest from disposable water bottle waste.  The best I could find was that girlie Nalgene Water Bottle which I picked up for around the price of a pair of cheap sunglasses.  It quickly began to rock my world just as Magic Potty Baby rocked the world of so many infant girls.

Nalgene Water Bottle Withstands Tank Attack

I was stunned to learn that I had been wrong all along in my assessment about these bottles.  They are more manly than Paul Bunyan as well as rated to withstand 8 direct atomic blasts more than that Fuji water bottle you’ve used for the billionth time (give it up you’re not going to Fuji).  You can run them through the dishwasher and even run them over with an M1 Abrams Tank!  Now that’s what I call brute!

Nalgene water bottles are a safe plastic bottle which is BPA free and proven to leach none natta nilly harsh plastic chemicals into your beverage of choice (water).  That means there’s no chance of getting cancer and growing three big toes and a cyst on your forehead.  I know I know sorry sorry about that.

Every Man has a Girlie Side

So what are you waiting for?  Be a man get in that tank and show Magic Potty Baby you’re the brute you are whilst drinking from a Nalgene Water Bottle, preferably a pink one!

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