Live Long and Prosper with Omega 3 Foods


Wow, where do I begin?  Omega-3 benefits are countless and so are Omega 3 sources.   Yet, we aren’t getting nearly enough!  So I think I’ll get started with introducing you to some of the body’s most under appreciated workers.

Immune cells (more specifically white blood cells) work 24/7 three-hundred-sixty-five days a year without a minute of rest constantly policing the messes in our bodies.  Without these little policemen stress from invaders aka pathogens, injuries, and even day to day wear and tear would get the best of us.

Clean Up that Mess!

When white blood cells report to the tissue in distress they create lots of commotion.  This distracts cells inside the tissues from their day to day activities.  Because of this the white blood cells must get in and out as quickly as possible.  Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help do just that.

Omega-6, a pro-inflammatory, is responsible for inflaming the tissue so white blood cells and necessary healing agents can get the job done.  Once the job is done, Omega-3, an anti-inflammatory, reduces the inflammation after which the cells within the tissues can resume their normal day to day activities.

Holy Soreness Batman!

Our modern diet provides ample Omega-6 but very little Omega-3!  This means white blood cells have everything to get started on the job but nothing to finish it off, leaving us chronically inflamed.   Over time, cells  within the inflamed tissues simply cannot carry out their intended functions and start to break down.

Back problems?  Constantly sick?  Allergies taking over your life?  Drawing the connection yet?  Chances are, you, just as most people are suffering from chronic inflammation.  Chronic inflammation is not only the cause of simple daily suboptimal health it is also the source, the origin, the greatest cause, of a vast majority of diseases from Arthritis to Alzheimer’s and Atherosclerosis!  It’s vital you maintain a diet with a healthy balance of fats including Omega-3.


Let’s geek out just a bit more here before we tantalize our taste buds…  There are three types of Omega-3 fatty acids of importance to us.  Alpha-Linolinic Acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).  Whoa!  Try to say that three times fast.

Our bodies can only directly utilize DHA and EPA.  ALA must undergo a process to convert to a useable form of Omega-3.  This process is so inefficient that if you ate 100 grams of ALA omega-3 your body might make use of one gram of it!

Plants including but not limited to Flax Seed and Canola Oil contain ALA Omega-3 and Omega-6.  The process of converting ALA to usable Omega-3 pretty much cancels out all the Omega-3.  This leaves you a surplus in Omega-6, gearing your body for chronic inflammation!

Foods High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids

I consider these to be the best omega-3 foods and recommend you base your diet around these foods.

  1. Grassfed free range beef, bison, and pastured pork grassfed animals, free to roam about, have equal parts Omega-3 to Omega-6 fats and overall are not inflamed creating for the perfect balance of healthy fats.
  2. Wild Caught Fish are hands down the best omega-3 sources.  Go for the shorter and or smaller species to avoid toxins.  Here are a few to get you started Alaskan Salmon, Sardines, Anchovies, Mackerel, Herring,  Trout, and Petrale Sole.  Additionally shell fish are excellent unsung sources.  Try shrimp, mussels, and clams.
  3. Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil is the best omega 3 supplement.  The best fish oil contains both EPA and DHA allowing you to reap all the omega 3 fish oil benefits.  Fish oil dosage depends on your body weight and inflammatory status.  Each day I take one gram for every ten pounds I weight.  If you have lots of aches, pains, high cholesterol, and or are over weight bump up your per day dosage a few grams.

Pain Pills are for Sissies… Real Men Take Fish Oil

Remember our under appreciated workers?  They revolt making us sore when we gyp them of Omega-3.  All this upheaval and inflammation is painful.  So next time don’t reach for the pain pills reach for the fish oil tablets.  Give them what they are asking for to get the job done…  Give them Omega-3!  A handful of Omega-3 tablets (5-10 grams) should do the trick!  If that doesn’t shut them up then there’s certainly something chronically wrong and it’s time to get medical attention.

5 thoughts on “Live Long and Prosper with Omega 3 Foods

  1. I think this spins the priority a little differently than I would express it. I don’t know if it’s Omega-3 deficiency that is causing this, although it’s true that our primal foods had a lot more Omega-3. I think it may be the case that our grain-based, starchy diets tend to exacerbate inflammation, and Omega-3 effectively reduces inflammation.

  2. Excellent post! When ever I sustain an injury from playing sports I double up on fish oil. Also I have been telling people who are trying to get their Omega 3s from flax seed oil that their is strong evidence supporting that they would be better off taking fish oils.

  3. Laura

    Plus, too much flax can result in an imbalance of EFAs. Other than supplements and fish, appreciable Omega 3s can be found in canola oil, walnuts, Hemp Seeds, pumpkin seeds, olive oil and soy (I try to avoid soy though.)

    Good article!

  4. Hey thanks! You’re really savvy with this stuff… Keep in touch 🙂 I’ve got 3 or 4 more articles in draft state right now. Just working too many hours at Honeywell to crank them out at the moment 🙁

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