Get the Perfect Smile with a Dental Water Jet


Many of us despise trips to the dentist but I always enjoy them.  Maybe that makes me a glutton for punishment but honestly I think it’s actually in part to my keeping up with oral maintenance.  Each time I go I can see the progress from the new tweaks and improvements to my smile as a result of consistent oral hygiene. Continue reading

Instant Bean Salad


This is an extraordinary recipe I got from my friend and modified slightly to remove the processed sugar.  It takes seconds to make and tastes amazing! You can divide it up into little containers and take it with you on the go.


1 Cup Kidney Beans
1 Cup Black Beans
1 Cup Corn
3/4 Cup olive oil
3/4 Cup balsamic vinegar
5 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
Stevia add to taste, (usually about 4 tablespoons)


Take ingredients and mix up in large mixing bowl.  Divide up into small serving containers and eat!  I usually divide mine up into small 2 cup pyrex glasses and store them in the fridge for later eating.